
LIPI Press Catalogue 2017

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September 15, 2017


Rahmi Lestari Helmi


Catalogue, LIPI Press, 2017


The 2017 LIPI Press Catalogue exhibits our publishing highlights from LIPI’s research results in life sciences, social sciences and humanities, earth sciences, engineering sciences, and scientific services. The 2017 LIPI Press Catalogue calls out the solution, in the form of a splendid array of books that will be crucial to the public conversation on the economy, geo­logy, politic, Indonesian biodiversity, and dozens of other important issues. Our essential list features some of the best scientific books from remarkable researchers. Science and Research Paradigm of Social Sciences and Humanities in Indonesia, edited by Ignas Kleden and Taufik Abdullah, offers not only an understanding and discussion toward the paradigm concept itself, but also understanding analysis of social sciences and humanities’ format, approach, methodology, and its contribution for Indonesian society. Meanwhile, in Exploring Indonesian Microbial Genetic Resources for Industrial Application, edited by Endang Sukara and Puspita Lisdiyanti, some of potential microbes useful for human welfare are described in this book, including their utilization for food, feed, health, and bioenergy. Furthermore, I Gede Mahatma Yuda Bakti and Sik Sumaedi, through their book IKM Plus: Technique for Measuring Community Satisfaction to Support Bureaucratic Reform in Public Service Agencies, help government agencies in executing community satisfaction index (IKM) survey by offering a measuring method that is detailed, clear and easy to execute and comprehend. 
We are delighted to offer a digital edition of our latest titles at www.myperpus.com/catalog/book/lipi_press. For more information, access our website at lipipress.lipi.go.id and penerbit.lipi.go.id. Keep in touch with us by following our Facebook Fan Page (LIPI Press) and Twitter (@lipi_press).


LIPI Press Catalogue 2017

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