Atit Kanti, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN); Gayuh Rahayu, IPB University; Dalia Sukmawati, Jakarta State University; Pratiwi Pudjilestari Sudarmono, Universitas Indonesia; Nining Betawati Prihantini, Universitas Indonesia; Siti Meliah, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN); Puspita Lisdiyanti, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN); Muhammad Ilyas, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN); Arif Nurkanto, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN); Yopi, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN); Tri Ratna Sulistiyani, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN); I Nyoman Sumerta, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN); Ade Lia Putri, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN); Debora Christin Purbani, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN); Indriati Ramadhani, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN); Ruby Setiawan, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN); Masrukhin, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN); Shanti Ratnakomala, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN); Dian Nurcahyanto, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN); Iwan Saskiawan, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional; Indra Maulana, IPB University; Ika Ningsih, Universitas Indonesia; Heti Rosasih, Universitas Indonesia; Muktiningsih, Jakarta State University; Tri Handayani Kurniati, Jakarta State University; Reni Indrayanti, Jakarta State University; Dian Hendrayanti, Universitas Indonesia; Shabrina Nida Al Husna, Institute Teknologi Bandung
Mikroorganisme, FORKOMIKRO, Katalog, Koleksi, Indonesia
Access to information about microorganisms is essential for Aexpanding our knowledge of their diversity, enabling us to make sustainable use of them, and achieving the benefits they provide to our society. This catalog was compiled by the FORKOMIKRO team and is an update from the previous 3 editions. The book contains more than 4500 entries of microorganisms from 5 collectors in Indonesia, i.e., InaCC, IPBCC, MUICC, UNJCC and UIMCC.
The catalog provides well-standardized microbial collections, which is very useful for research and development. This book is also enriched with information including a brief history, source, localization, and cultivation of each microorganism to help microbiologists and readers understand the diversity of microorganisms and their conservation.
Author Biographies
Atit Kanti, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN)
The author is a researcher at the Research Center for Biosystematics and Evolution, National Research and Innovation Agency (previously Research Center for Biology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences) since 1994. The author received bachelor’s degree in Biology from Padjajaran University, Bandung in 1993. In 1998, the author received a scholarship from INPEX Petroleum Company to continue her master’s Program in yeast taxonomy at Tokyo University of Agriculture, Tokyo, Japan and obtained her Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree in 2000. The author obtained her doctoral degree in Microbiol-ogy from IPB in 2014.
Currently, the author is working in the field of yeast biosystematics and Culture Collection Management. Several trainings have been attended by the author, including training in microbiology, yeast taxonomy, and management of microbial culture collection in Japan, China, Germany, the United States, Singapore, and many other countries. A number of scientific papers, both written independently and with other authors, have been published. They are consist of 9 books, 76 articles in journals and proceedings, of which 59 are in English. The author obtained two Indonesian patents. The author is also active in professional scientific organizations and was appointed as Chairman of FORKOMIKRO (2017–2022), Deputy of Chairman of the Central of Indonesian Society for Microbiology (2018–present), Intellectual Property, and also Patent and Commercialization Committee at the World Federation of Culture Collections (WFCC) (2016–present).
Gayuh Rahayu, IPB University
The author is a staff of Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, IPB. The author graduated from the Department of Plant Protection (previously Department of Pest and Plant Diseases), Faculty of Agriculture, IPB. The author obtained doctoral degree from the University of New England, Armidale, Australia. In addition to being a teaching staff, the author currently also a Deputy of Chairman of IPB Culture Collection.
Dalia Sukmawati, Jakarta State University
The author is currently a researcher and lecturer in the Division of Microbiol-ogy at the Department of Biology, Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ). UNJ is a public university in central of Jakarta. The author obtained her bachelor’s degree in education Biology from Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (IKIP) Jakarta, master’s degree in mycological taxonomy and bio-prospect from Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia, and doctoral degree focused on taxonomy and bio-prospect of yeast from the same university.
The author actively involves in Indonesian Mycological Society (Mikoina) as a member. She also a coordinator for UNJCC involvement in FORKOMIKRO, WFCC, and Asian Network on Microbial Utilization (AnMicro). The author is skilled at molecular methods, plant disease management, post-harvest disease management, molecular biotechnology and taxonomy. Her research interests include mycology, probiotic, and food safety.
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