
Exploring Indonesian Microbial Genetic Resources for Industrial Application

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October 22, 2020


Atit Kanti, LIPI; Endang Sukara, LIPI; Harmastini Sukiman, LIPI; Puspita Lisdiyanti, LIPI; Ruth Melliawati, LIPI; Shanti Ratnakomala, LIPI; Sylvia J. R. Lekatompessy, LIPI; Trisanti Anindyawati, LIPI; Yantyati Widyastuti, LIPI; Yopi, LIPI

DOI: https://doi.org/10.14203/press.291


Microbes, Industrial application, Indonesia


Indonesia is a mega biodiversity country consisting of various types of animals and plants, including genetic microbial resources. However, the exploration on microbes has not been yet extensively explored. This book highlights some important findings and achievements carried out by the microbiologists in LIPI on the sustainable use of Indonesian microbial genetic resources. Through this book, some successful processes of identification, characterization, and preservation in culture collections of Indonesian microbial genetic resources have been showed vividly. Some of potential microbes useful for human welfare are also described in this book, including their utilization for food, feed, health, and bioenergy. It is expected that this book can be a useful reference for those who are interested in the importance of microbial genetic resources for the prosperity of the nation as it revealed some significant findings on microbes, which have been isolated from various sources in Indonesia.

Author Biographies

Atit Kanti, LIPI

Atit Kanti – She was born in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
on November 2nd, 1968. Her Ph.D. degree in
Microbiology was obtained from Bogor Agricultural
University, Indonesia in 2013. Currently, she is Senior
Researcher in the field of Microbiology at Research Center
for Biology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI),
Head of Laboratory of Microbial Biosystematics,
and Head of Division of
Microbiology. Her research interests are on exploring the potential power
of yeast for bio-industrial proposes and culture collection. -Email: atit.kanti@
lipi.go.id and atityeast@gmail.com.

Endang Sukara, LIPI

Endang Sukara – He was born in Tasikmalaya, West
Java, Indonesia on September 9th, 1952. His Ph.D. degree
in Microbiology was obtained from Queensland University,
Brisbane, Australia in 1989. His present position
is Research Professor in Microbiology at Research Center
for Biotechnology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences
(LIPI). He is a member of Indonesian Academic of Sciences
(AIPI) and Visiting Professor at American University for Sovereign
Nations Arizona, USA. His main interests remain on fermentation and enzyme
technology. E-mail: endang.sukara@lipi.go.id and endangsukara@

Harmastini Sukiman, LIPI

Harmastini Sukiman – She was born in Bogor, West
Java, Indonesia on November 20th, 1953. She received
Master Degree in Agriculture from University of Sydney,
Australia in 1987. Curently, she is Senior Researcher at
Research Center for Biotechnology, Indonesian Institute
of Sciences (LIPI) and since 2011, she is the Head of
Symbiotic Microbes for Plant Laboratory. Her main research interest is on
Biological Nitrogen Fixation using Azolla pinnata, Azospirillum sp. and Rhizobium
sp. including Bradyrhizobium sp. and Michorrhyza. Her works include
exploration, taxonomy,
conservation, and application of microbial
genetic resources in agriculture as biofertilizer. E-mail: harmastini@lipi.go.id
and harmastini@yahoo.com.

Puspita Lisdiyanti, LIPI

Puspita Lisdiyanti – She was born in Yogyakarta, Central
Java, Indonesia on August 14th, 1967. Her Ph.D.
degree in Applied Biology and Chemistry was obtained
from Tokyo University of Agriculture, Tokyo, Japan in
2000. Her present position is Senior Researcher in the
field of Microbiology at Research Center for Biotechnology,
Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI). Her research
interests focus on exploring the microbial diversity in Indonesia and elucidating
the potential uses of microbes. E-mail: puspita.lisdiyanti@lipi.go.id
and puspita.lisdiyanti@bioteknologi.lipi.go.id.

Ruth Melliawati, LIPI

Ruth Melliawati – She was born in Banjar Patroman,
West Java, Indonesia on October 12th, 1954. She earned
her first University Degree in Microbiology in 1981 from
Jenderal Soedirman University, Central Java, Indonesia.
Currently, she is Senior Researcher in the field of Microbiology
at Research Center for Biotechnology, Indonesian
Institute of Sciences (LIPI). Her research interests
focus on the development of bacterial cellulose production
and enzymes production from microbes. E-mail: ruth.melliawati@lipi.
go.id and ruthmell2000@yahoo.com.

Shanti Ratnakomala, LIPI

Shanti Ratnakomala – She was born in Pontianak, Kalimantan,
Indonesia on June 1st, 1967. Her Ph.D degree
in Microbiology was obtained from Bogor Agriculture
University, Indonesia in 2015. Currently, she is Senior
Researcher at Research Center for Biotechnology, Indonesian
Institute of Sciences (LIPI). Her research interests
focus on exploring actinobacterial diversity in Indonesia
and its potential uses of for industries. E-mail: shanti.ratnakomala@lipi.go.id
and shanti_ratna01@yahoo.com.

Sylvia J. R. Lekatompessy, LIPI

Sylvia J. R. Lekatompessy – She was born in Jakarta,
Indonesia in September 16th, 1969. She received a Master
Degree from Bogor Agriculture University, West Java,
Indonesia in 2012. Curently, she is a researcher at the
Research Center for Biotechnology, Indonesian Institute
of Sciences (LIPI) and since 2011, she was a member of
the Laboratory of Plant Symbiotic Microbes. Her main
research interest is in the Biological Nitrogen Fixation using Azospirillum
sp., Rhizobium sp., Mycorrhiza, Endophytic microbes and its application to
promotes plants growth. Her work includes exploration, taxonomy,
conservation and application of microbial genetic resources in agriculture
as a biological fertilizer. E-mail: sylvia.j.r.lekatompessy@lipi.go.id and sylviajrl@

Trisanti Anindyawati, LIPI

Trisanti Anindyawati – She was born in Malang, East
Java, Indonesia on Januari 13th, 1960. She got Ph.D degree
from Osaka City University, Osaka-Japan in 1998
majoring in Enzyme Chemistry. Currently, she is Senior
Researcher at the Research Center for Biotechnology,
Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI). Her research
interest focuses on the development of enzyme production.
E-mail: trisanti.anindyawati@lipi.go.id and atrisanti@yahoo.com.

Yantyati Widyastuti, LIPI

Yantyati Widyastuti – She was born in Malang, East
Java, Indonesia on January 12th, 1958. She got her Ph.D.
degree from Tokyo University of Agriculture, Japan in
1989. She is Senior Researcher at Research Center for
Biotechnology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI).
Currently, she is Head of Applied Microbiology Laboratory.
Her focus research is microbiological process development related to
feed and ruminant nutrition. E-mail: yantyati.widyastuti@lipi.go.id and

Yopi, LIPI

Yopi – He was born in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
on December 20th, 1969. He was awarded Ph.D. in Applied
Biological Chemistry/Biotechnology from Tokyo
University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan in 2000.
Currently, he is Senior Researcher in the field of Biotechnology
at Research Center for Biotechnology, Indonesian
Institute of Sciences (LIPI) and Head of Laboratory
of Biocalyst and Fermentation. His speciality is Enzimology,
Glycoscience, Glycotechnology, Microbiology, Fermentation Technology,
Bioprocess Engineering, Bioenviromental Engineering, and Biochemical
Engineering. E-mail: yopi@lipi.go.id and yopi.sunarya@gmail.com.


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